Tag Archives: Armegeddon

Dear Harold Camping,

Two years ago someone I love came to me and told me the world was going to end on May 21, 2011. I scoffed at them and told them that no one knows the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven…. Because that is what my Bible says. I gleefully put it in my cell phone as a joke and thought nothing more of it.

Until this past January. My loved one made no plans after that day and refused to make any plans past that day. I was told they weren’t making any plans because the world would not be here. I was shocked at how deeply my loved one was taken in by your false prophecies. I looked you up on the internet and read about what a heretic you are. I tried to convince my loved one but they were still following you and your false teachings.

Luckily my loved one didn’t go to any extremes like trying to kill them-self or anyone else. I hope they didn’t send you any money… but they may have. They wouldn’t share that with me if they did. They did tell me over and over that this was going to happen no matter what I said. It caused a rift between us, unfortunately.

Well, I am here writing this post because your prediction didn’t come true. When you finally come back to your show I hope that you don’t come back with yet a third prediction. I hope you don’t come back and say that God saved his judgement so more people repent as in the story of Nineveh and Jonah.

I want to hear you say that you were wrong. That you are not better than the angels in heaven , that God didn’t come and personally reveal to you the date and time.

I hope that your message is one of healing.  I want to hear you say “I was wrong, I have no answers… I have asked for forgiveness of my Heavenly Father and He has forgiven me..I now  ask for the forgiveness of my listeners”. I hope Mr. Camping that you then take down your billboards and use the money that you have left for counseling for the families you have destroyed. I hope you find jobs for those who left them to follow you… and finally, I hope that after you ask for forgiveness that you tell everyone that is your last broadcast.I hope we never hear you preach again.

What your (former) followers don’t need right now is more of your ego. They need you to show them how to humble themselves, and they need to feel the healing and forgiveness that only our Heavenly Father can provide. They need to know that their families can be mended. They need to see relationships healed. Devote your new ministry to that Mr. Camping. Devote your ministry to healing broken relationships.

To my loved one…I still love you. I forgave you before May 21, 2011. I will never rub it in your face that you were wrong… or mislead. This post will be the last I ever bring up Mr. Harold Camping to you. If you want to speak about it then I will do so with an open mind. We all make mistakes and we can all be mislead. I know if the roles were reversed you would love and forgive me as well.